Inside-Outside: Studio ExPurgamento
10/06/20 16:00 Filed under: Collaboration

Back in March/early April I was involved in this collaborative sound /moving image project, devised in association with 21st Century Music Practice Network (, in which five visual artists and five composers who didn't know each other were asked to produce a response to 2 minutes of each others work.
The participating visual artists were Alice Herrick, Yola Yolart, Andrzej Maria Borkowski, Chiara Ambrosio & Natalia Zagorska-Thomas. The composers in addition to myself, were Milton Mermikides, Agata Kubiak-Kenworthy, Eve Klein & Simon Zagorski-Thomas.
The first prompt was 'inside/outside' and coming just as everyone was adjusting to the shock of the global pandemic and lockdown life. My initial piece was certainly a reflection of this restlessness and frustration at confinement:
I was randomly paired with artist Natalia Zagorska-Thomas, and she responded to my audio work in this way (I can't embed it for some reason so click here to see it)

Her 2 minute video prompted my response, as follows:
The project was interesting in that it brought to the surface (for me, anyway), the differences in 'ownership' musicians and videographers/directors feel over their collaborative work.
If you like you can check out the full project, with all artists/combinations and their responses here: